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Writer's pictureSt. Rose Flower Farm

Celebrate May with St. Rose Flower Farm!

Updated: Jun 27, 2020

St. Rose Flower Farm sits nestled against Cypress Island Preserve near Lafayette, Louisiana. We are a family-run farm specializing in seed-to-vase, fresh-cut flowers.

Wonder about the why behind our work? Interested in seasonal floral inspiration?

You're at the right place!

Keep reading to discover our Mission alongside this Month's Floral Inspiration with St. Rose!

Fresh-cut flowers radiate elegance at Elizabeth's 5th Birthday Tea!

St. Rose Flower Farm's Mission!

Our mission is one of Revival. No big tents here, but only a family, a farm, and a mission to revive a forgotten domestic art: Home Floral Arranging!

Our fine-stemmed flowers dance among natural wildflowers in every vase.

We're bringing living beauty back into the home, one stem at a time.


Simply put, through the art of floral arranging, a person begins to open up.

We begin to recognize truth and beauty. Both in the vase and in our surroundings.

Flowers have a way of doing this. They have an amazing effect on the mind and soul.

Why Else Love Flower Arranging?

Flower arranging reminds us to slow down. To surrender to the season. To contemplate.

And, flowers teach us to cultivate the blessings sewn into every season.

Both in nature, and in our own, day-to-day lives.

The Great News?

To bring this beauty into our homes, we often need not forage much farther than our own neighborhood. Grandma's house, nature preserves, and *ahem* flower farms also serve as great resources for finding floral arrangement material!

Arrange with Us!

St. Rose's DIY Flower Buckets offer an exciting array of our seed-to-vase flowers!

Begin your flower journey today! I hope you enjoy my first DIY Flower Bucket 101 video!

Seasonal & Monthly Floral Inspiration with St. Rose!

This Season's Featured Flowers: Everlasting Flowers!

Which flowers retain fresh-cut beauty long after being harvested?

Strawflowers and Paper Daisies!

Everlasting Flowers

... a St. Rose Farm Favorite!

Easy to grow & wearable!

Look at sweet Elizabeth and Sophia enjoying their

Paper Daisy Easter Crowns!

What Do St. Rose's Everlasting Flowers Look Like?

This Season's Strawflowers are vivacious and breath-taking:

  • Bracts of brilliant petals surrounding a central disc of yellow

  • A mix of dark and light pinks with white

  • Vivid, orangy variety

  • Papery, glistening petals

This Spring's Paper Daisies are winsome beauties:

  • Vivid, colorful bracts of papery blossoms surrounding a yellow center

  • Crisp whites (perfect for making Easter crowns!)

  • Light pinks with yellow centers

  • Dark pinks with brown centers

What Growth Conditions Best Suit Everlasting Flowers?

Everlasting Flowers are Hardworking Annuals.

They enjoy:

  • Sunshine

  • Water During Drought Periods

  • Bloom and New Growth through Pruning and Deadheading

  • Slightly Acidic, Nutrient-dense Soil

  • Well-drained Soil

What don't they enjoy?

  • Over-watering

  • Snails

  • Extensive Cold Temperatures

In South Louisiana's Zone 9 climate, over-wintering these beauties creates a larger crop season. These Hardy Annuals can handle cool weather (light freezes) for short periods of time. Hence, this year, we strategically sewed our Everlasting Flower seeds in the fall, trusting their hardiness to withstand a Louisiana winter. And now, we're enjoying beautiful, Springtime Everlasting Flower blooms everywhere!

How Are Paper Daisies and Strawflowers Used?

These floral gems splash beauty into any arrangement! Changing vase water daily and snipping the tips of Everlasting Flower stems keeps these flowers alive in vases for over a week! A fun feature of Everlasting Flowers is that they are wearable! That's right, you can bring the beauty of these flowers wherever your day leads you!

Drying Everlasting Flowers

This flower uniquely retains its shape and color after being dried. Once dry, it makes for a long-lasting arrangement and brings its quaint touch to enliven any craft!

Have I mentioned how much we love this flower!?

After morning lessons, my girls often escape to the Flower Barn. Witnessing their creativity blossom, among these beautiful flowers, is a true gift.

Easy, Everlasting Flower Crafts:
  • Hair Accessories

  • Decorative Nosegay Pins

  • Bracelets

  • Cards & Packages for family and friends!

  • Wreaths

  • May Crowns

  • Christmas Tree Trim

May's Featured Flower Craft: May Day Jars!

Want to make your neighbors happy? Want to have fun arranging flowers?

Create a May Day Mason Jar!

Sounds great, right?!

Unless you're thinking, "Wait a minute, Denise, what exactly is May Day!?"!

In which case, no worries my friend, because you're in great company...

May Day dates back to Pre-Christianized Europe. After Christianity was introduced in Europe, May Day became a day set aside to celebrate and honor Christ's Mother, Mary.

And, in recent centuries, these traditions carried onward. May 1st maintains it's Christian significance, as well as a rite of Spring shared among friends, family, and neighbors.

How Did Americans Traditionally Celebrate May Day?

Americans traditionally celebrated May Day with much attention to well-planned merriment! As April's end approached, the fervor began. Flowers, delightful treats, and other trifles were collected and artistically arranged into beautiful baskets. Often, these baskets were made of paper ( and hand-designed by the giver ). Then, the exciting night arrived! At dusk, on May 1st, the givers discreetly placed their May Day Baskets upon each recipient's door. If the giver was discovered before scampering away, a frenzy of warm hugs and friendship commenced!

Let's Bring Back May Day!

Tradition has a way of anchoring a community. Tradition works as a strong seam; quilting together individual pieces of community life; creating warmth, solidarity, and beauty. What a travesty then, when a beautiful tradition slips away unnoticed, as did this one.

The solution?

It's time to revive!

Let's bring back May Day!!!

How to Make a May Day Mason Jar!

St. Rose's May Day Mason Jar Craft is a simple way to spread joy this Spring!

For reference, check out my Flower Wiring Video!

Congrats on creating a beautiful May Day Mason Jar!

Spread Some Joy!

In need of supplies for making this craft?

Or, if you're scheduled for a DIY FLower Bucket delivery, simply contact us and ask for this add-on:

  • Hand-crafted Mason Jar ~ 15.oo

  • Hand-crafted Mason Jar + Add-on Supplies ~ 2o.oo

Around the Farm & Upcoming Events!

May Babies Bless the Farm!

  • Congratulations to Belle, one of our Dairy Goats, for birthing her first baby boy!

  • The farm welcomes two new baby bunnies, Flopsy & Mopsy!

  • One of our turkey eggs hatched, yielding another cute baby poult!

  • Happy Birthday to our bright-eyed Baby Nicholas, who's First Birthday is May 24th!!!

St. Rose's Upcoming Events!

Stay tuned for details surrounding our "U-Pick Sunflowers" in early July!

Thank-you for celebrating May with us!

Uplifting the Mind and Soul through God's Beauty & Nature

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